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Spa Reaches Out About Cancellation Policy


  • Spa reaches out to ask about cancellation policy  


  • Send canned text: Spa-Cancelation-policy(spa)

    • “Hello____,

      Please see below for our spa appointment cancellation policy: 

      Individual Treatment Cancellation Policy

      Pending request or within 10 mins of confirmation - no charge 

      Confirmed massage starting more than 4 hours - no charge

      Confirmed massage starting between 2-4 hours - $25

      Confirmed massage starting between 1-2 hours - $50

      Confirmed massage starting within 1 hour - full price. 

      Block Cancellation Policy 

      Pending request or within 10 mins of confirmation - no charge

      Confirmed block more than 36 hours - no charge

      Confirmed block starting between 24-36 hours - $100 or lowest minimum minutes 

      Confirmed block starting within 24 hours - full block minimum fee

      Thank you!”


  1. No escalation necessary. 

  2. If spa asks for the cancellation fee to be waived - tag Cole and he will escalate to Bailee/Virginia if necessary.