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Revoking a Referral

There are 2 parts to revoking a referral: you must revoke in both ZCC and HSRM.

Revoke in ZCC

  1. Log into ZCC and search the referral in the Referral Tab

  2. On the referral grid, scroll all the way to the left. Here you'll find 3 vertical dots

  3. Select "Revoke Referral" (it is in red font)

  4. Select the revocation reason. This is very important for our data.

    • If we have tried to reach the patient but could not, we use the option "unable to contact" even if the VAMC took the referral back from us already.

  5. Add a Main Note indicating why the referral was returned in more detail

Revoke in HSRM

  1. Log into HSRM

  2. Select the appropriate group list

  3. Click the three horizontal bars in the top left corner and select find referrals

  4. Search by referral number

  5. If it is not there, no further action needed. If it is, click into the referral

  6. Change referral status to returned/revoked, no CCN provider available

  7. Add a note indicating the reason ie. unable to contact.

    • If the reason was per T+S, simply write: please see email with additional information.

  8. Click update at the bottom right corner of the screen