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Creating JitBits

Jitbits are used by both CS and T/S to document any provider or client incident so that we can keep a clean record of everything in one place. If you post something in T/S you’ll likely want to make a JitBit. 

Log into JitBit

JitBit Login for

  • Username : CS T2 Login

  • Password : Nolongerondemand2021

Create a JitBit Ticket

  1. To start a JitBit press the “New Ticket” button in the top right corner.

  2. Please fill out EVERYTHING that can be filled out. 

    1. Select the category that fits the incident you are recording.

    2. Keep any information in a JitBit purely 100% factual, no opinions. State the facts and any actions taken. This could be credits given, profiles blocked, etc.

      1. T/S will edit when they do their review of the ticket. 

    3. Once you’ve added all the relevant information and filled out all the fields, hit submit and you’ll be taken to a page that looks like above.

      1. There is a details panel on the right, you’ll need to assign the ticket to someone on T/S. This can be either Ben, Mallory or Michelle. You’ll generally want to assign it to whomever responded to your post in T/S. If nothing was posted in T/S, assign to Mallory.