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Checking out and Adjusting Blocks

If a property has NOT checked out of a spa block the appointment will have a “check out” button next to the projected payments.

If they HAVE checked out of the appointment, it will list the massages performed.

To adjust Spa blocks, follow the instructions below.

Adjusting Blocks

  1. If we need to adjust the checkout information for any reason, please click on “Adjust”. This will take you to the block checkout page.

  2. Any adjustments can be made from from the block checkout page. We just need to ensure that all the information the spa sends in matches what is shown in this section. We can add or remove appointments, change gratuity or duration or the time that the massage occurred. 

  3. Once all adjustments are entered, scroll to the bottom and click  “Save and Calculate Minimums” 

When a spa appointment is adjusted it will show on the providers payment as a deduction for the full amount that was paid out the week prior, and a full payment of the appointment again. 

  • Ex. Provider was paid $250 for a block last week and adjustments were made to bring it to $300. Provider is owed $50. On their paystub they’ll see a $300 payment and a $250 deduction. Net pay is the same, but it we’ll occasionally get questions about it.